Love yourSMILE! 😊with healthy teeth & gumsTeeth Cleaning, General Checkups and Tooth Whitening are just some of the services we provide...View Our Services
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Morwell Dental Services
A friendly and caring dental team
Mission and Values
With a vast range of experience between our close knit team at Gippsland Dental Group, we help provide a pleasant trip to the dentist. We strive for excellence and believe that good communication leads to a positive trusting relationship between patients and clinicians.
Commitment to Community
We proudly support local clubs and various organisations with sponsorships to help them reach their goals.
Check out our full list by clicking here.
Easy Appointments
Gippsland Dental Group has appointments available daily.
Open Monday to Friday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Request an appointment today!
General Examination
We recommend dental check-ups every 6 to 12 months to assess your oral health and identify any early signs of disease. If you have any concerns about your oral health or any general dental enquiries, our dentists can tailor a treatment plan specific to your needs.
Preventative Services
We not only want to fix and problems you have, but we want to help prevent them as well! We offer a wide range of products to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums.
Top-notch Staff
With our large number or highly skilled staff members we aim to provide the best quality of care whilst acknowledging the fact that all patients are individuals and all have different needs and concerns.
Come visit us at our Morwell Location
128 Commercial Road, Morwell, Victoria, 3840
(03) 5134 2255
(Fax) 5135 3322